Top Five Tips for Staying Healthy when Travelling Solo

Having spent half of last year travelling the world on my own, I know how hard it can be to stay healthy and fit! As a woman travelling alone, I tended to eat fast food rather than sitting alone in a restaurant, and exercise was something that I found hard to integrate into my routine. …
12 Tips for Traveling Solo – Advice from our Favourite Female Travel Bloggers

Traveling by yourself for the first time can be a daunting experience for anybody. But as a female solo traveler there are a few extra precautions you will need to take to make sure you have a great trip, and get home safely. That’s why we have asked our favourite female adventurers from the best solo female…
6 Tips to Making Friends & Being a Fucking Legend at Your Hostel

Good Times + Crazy Friends = Amazing Memories! Unless you’re a super duper extrovert, who seems to collect friends as easily as you collect belly button lint, you might be a little daunted about making friends while traveling. Never Fear newbie traveler! It’s way easier than you think. And if you follow our tips, you’ll…
How to eat cheaply (but well) in any country

Food can chew up a massive part of your budget. Some of us love to try local cuisine when we travel. Others are happy to spend their travel dollars on non-eating experiences and just live off instant noodles. If you do want to try and balance getting authentic, local food with not breaking the bank,…
3 European Transport Travel Hacks & We visit London (Podcast)

London Podcast Episode 015: 3 European Transport Travel Hacks & We Visit London ,UK Listen NOW! Subscribe on iTunes WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK We love to hear from listeners about how we can improve the show or what you love about it already. You can email us using the contact form in the footer of this…
How to do Paris when your broke as f@#k

It’s no secret that Paris is an expensive city to visit. Actually it was recently listed as one of the 10 most expensive places for a city break, coming in a close second to London. So why the hell, you might ask, would Five Dollar Traveller go anywhere near Paris? This seriously can’t be a…
6 Reasons We Spent Less Money in Europe than Asia

Asia is the ultimate budget traveller destination, right? Cheap food. ‘Genuine fake’ clothes that can be bartered for a fraction of the price of an original. Long distance transport is ridiculously cheap compared to western countries. Hostel room for just a few dollars. When we left Australia we set ourselves a budget of $42 total…
9 Tips on how to eat Asian street food And NOT get sick

Spewing on your poop is not an ideal travel experience. Asian street food has a reputation for making foreigners sick. After 14 months of travel in Asia and only a couple of instances of mild diarrhoea, we’ve maintained a pretty solid system (pun) for avoiding getting sick from eating street food. We’d like to share…
16 Asian Taxi scams (and how to beat them)

Taxi drivers all over Asia know how to extort foreigners, and locals. We’ve encountered our fair share of Asian taxi scams but North Indian taxi drivers are by far the most sneaky. Even the most experienced traveller can easily fall prey to some of the lesser used tricks. Not all of these are hardcore scams…