30 Inspirational Quotes To Inspire You To Travel
Every now and then we all need a little bit of inspiration. Some words that hit us like a brick, and help us to realise that our dreams are truly possible. That’s why we put together 30 of our favourite inspirational quotes to inspire you to live your dreams, and to get out there in…
Which is the BEST Group Tour Company for You?
Group tours were not all created equal – and you may even be surprised as to just how many different “styles” of tours are available to backpackers. It’s not just about the multitude of destinations on offer, it’s the way the tours are run and the level of freedom and flexibility you can get, or…
Best Places to Backpack: How to choose where to travel
“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list” – Susan Sontag It’s a big world out there. And knowing which are the best places to backpack can be hard even for an experienced traveller. There may be places you’ve dreamed of visiting your entire life. But when you are starting out planning your trip abroad,…